Gundam Universe GU-37 - Gundam EX
From "Mobile Suit Gundam Requiem of Revenge", the white devil "GUNDAM EX" is made into three-dimensional by GUNDAM UNIVERSE. A definitive product that reproduces even the smallest details. The overwhelming strength and white devilish feeling from the show are condensed into the size of GUNDAM UNIVERSE. This unit matches the massive feeling unique to GUNDAM UNIVERSE, and even the fine details of the Gundam can be seen.
Gundam Universe GU-01 - RX-78-2 Gundam LIMITED - OUT OF PRINTCelebrating the 40th anniversary of "Mobile Suit Gundam" Bandai is introducing a brand-new action figure lineup! Gundam Universe figures are made to...
Sold Out - $49.95
Gundam Universe GU-02 - Wing GundamCelebrating the 40th anniversary of "Mobile Suit Gundam" Bandai is introducing a brand-new action figure lineup! Gundam Universe figures are made to fit into the 6-inch...
Sold Out - $59.95
Gundam Universe GU-04 - ASW-G-08 Gundam BarbatosCelebrating the 40th anniversary of "Mobile Suit Gundam" Bandai brings us a brand-new action figure lineup! Gundam Universe figures are made to fit into...