Inspired by the 2nd season of the classic 90s anime series, Sailor Moon R, Sailor Pluto returns to the S.H.Figuarts line with the same poseability and proportions; this time, featuring updated colors and packaging!
Measuring around 6 inches tall, she comes with alternate facial expressions and hands, while the Garnet Orb of the included Garnet Rod is removable so she can be posed performing the Dead Scream attack.
Figuarts ZERO Chouette Princess Serenity FiguartsZERO Chouette features Princess Serenity herself from the popular Sailor Moon series! Princess Serenity sits on a pearlescent crescent moon floating in a pool of...
S.H. Figuarts: Super Sailor Moon OUT OF PRINT It's time for some Moon Crisis Make Up, S.H.Figuarts-style! This outstanding Super Sailor Moon from Tamashii Nations is taking the stage in...
S.H. Figuarts: Sailor Moon Super Sailor Mercury LIMITED - OUT OF PRINT From Tamashii. Sailor Mercury is the next inner senshi to receive the super sailor scout treatment from the...