From the anime series based on a popular smartphone RPG game "Chain Chronicle: The Light of Haecceitas" comes a Nendoroid of the Holy Queen Juliana! Even as queen, Juliana often takes up a sword and leads the knights, and the Nendoroid comes complete with parts to recreate her more gallant poses!
She comes with three face plates including a standard expression, a smiling expression as well as a serious expression. The weapons and shield from the original game are included as optional parts, and she even comes with clear effect parts to display her attacking to recreate the battle scenes from the game.
In addition, the Nendoroid also comes with a special item that can be used in the smartphone RPG "Chain Chronicle 3". Enjoy the adorable Nendoroid along with the game and anime!
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1016 Fate/Grand Order: Lancer/Ereshkigal "Goddess of the Underworld, Ereshkigal commands you!" From the popular smartphone game "Fate/Grand Order" comes a rerelease of the Nendoroid of the Lancer class servant Ereshkigal!...
"Build 'em up, break 'em down." From the globally popular multiplayer team-based shooter Overwatch®, comes the tenth Nendoroid figure from the series - Torbjörn! The Nendoroid is fully articulated and...
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