From the popular anime series 'HIGH SCHOOL FLEET' comes a Nendoroid of Wilhelmshaven High School's Wilhelmina Braunschweig Ingenohl Friedeburg - also simply known as Wilhelmina! She comes with three face plates including a standard expression, a shouting expression as well as the frowning expression she made when given natto in the series.
Optional parts include a binocular telescope with its stand which can be displayed together with the parts included with Nendoroid Akeno Misaki to bring out the atmosphere of a ship's bridge even more! She also includes both the eintopf and natto dishes allowing you to recreate all sorts of different scenes from the series!
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1016 Fate/Grand Order: Lancer/Ereshkigal "Goddess of the Underworld, Ereshkigal commands you!" From the popular smartphone game "Fate/Grand Order" comes a rerelease of the Nendoroid of the Lancer class servant Ereshkigal!...
"Build 'em up, break 'em down." From the globally popular multiplayer team-based shooter Overwatch®, comes the tenth Nendoroid figure from the series - Torbjörn! The Nendoroid is fully articulated and...
1033 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders: Noriaki Kakyoin "It's time for your punishment, baby." From the anime "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders" comes to a Nendoroid of the calm and...