A.N.I.M.E. (standing for Action New Imagination Memory Emotion) is a new series that revives 35 years of Gundam history using the latest technology to create an unprecedented level of high-quality ROBOT SPIRITS. With a prominent presence in the anime, it is only natural that the MS-06F-2 Zaku II F-2 Type would be next to join the line-up.
This version of Zaku II includes a Zaku machine gun with detachable magazine, thruster effects, and 8 interchangeable hands.
Metal Robot Spirits (Ka signature): S Gundam Plus Booster Unit - P-Bandai P-Bandai Exclusive As part of the Gundam Sentinel series, the S Gundam booster unit equipped type is now...
Metal Robot Spirits: <Side MS> Hi-ν Gundam - AMURO’s SPECIAL COLOR - P-Bandai P-Bandai Exclusive To celebrate the 15th anniversary of Robot Spirits, Metal Robot Spirits <SIDE MS> Hi-ν Gundam...
Metal Robot Spirits: <Side MS> Immortal Justice Gundam Immortal Justice Gundam from "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOM" joins the METAL ROBOT SPIRITS series! Featuring faithful style and a hefty sense...