Sold Out - $299.95
MG Shin Musha Gundam Sengoku No Jin Black Robe Large Armor P-Bandai
P-Bandai Exclusive
Premium Bandai has announced a release of limited edition Shin Musha Gundam in its "Kuroko Oyoroi" or Black Robe Large Armor version. Just like the 2009 MG 1/100 Shin Musha Gundam Sengeku no Jin, his kit also comes with 2-panel backdrop provided with illustration of a dragon and suzaku by mecha illustrator, Naochika Morishita.
Expansion Funnel Effects Set for MG Sazabi & RE/100 Nightingale - P-Bandai P-Bandai Exclusive For effect parts only, Sazabi & Nightingale is not included.Finally, a way to display the funnels...
Sold Out - $189.95
MG 00 Gundam Seven Sword G (Trans-AM Mode) [Special Coating]